Sunday, January 4, 2015

The good news finally came!

For almost a year now my wonderful boyfriend (Let's call him McDreamy) and I have been researching dog breed after dog breed to find our perfect companion. We finally agreed on the Duck Tolling Retriever!

With unabated enthusiasm we started contacting breeders, filling out questionnaires and figuring out how to get our hands on one of these special little dogs. Here's the catch - in Australia these guys are rare. So rare in fact that many breeders indicated that we could be waiting three years before we get to bring one home - sigh. We were disheartened but not defeated! We waited and kept our eyes open, sure that one day we would get that call.

And last night, it happened! Our wonderful breeder in NSW advised that they have had a cancellation on one of their pups, are we still interested?? Of course we are!

And now the adventure begins... We will get the little guy (all going  to plan) the weekend on Jan 31st. This gives us four weeks to move home, ready the new place and welcome our little friend to the family. The wait is over, and the adventures are just about to commence. Stay tuned!